Tenth Grade Services

10th grader exploring College Planner Pro

By 10th grade, a student has completed the first year of high school and is more comfortable and confident in navigating school. Beginning to work with CCEC in the 10th grade allows us to build off of the 9th grade foundation and craft a plan to maximize educational and student growth.

Starting in the 12th grade is too late to affect many of the details the student will present to the college: Grades (GPA = 9-11), Rigor (3/4 is done) and Extracurricular activities inside and outside of school (leadership opportunities in 12th, if depth is already built). Certainly, beginning work with CCEC in the 12th grade will be beneficial to the application process, the completion of essays for each school and helping with scholarship and financial aid opportunities. However, the bulk of the information on the application is determined in grades 9 through 11.

By beginning our relationship at the start of the 10th grade, we can address ALL of the metrics listed above and can give our clients a competitive advantage in the application process.

Here is an example of the interactions we propose for each student:

Zoom will be our primary method of communication, but we are happy to meet in person in the Athens area.

Services – 10th grade

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